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Frequently Asked Questions


I’ve seen Dance Moms… is this going to be like that?! NO WAY!! I want our dancers to have a positive dance experience! The goal for our performance team is to push our dancers to become better through discipline, teamwork, and building confidence and character! We want to foster an environment that allows for healthy competition that drives our dancers to be their best selves, on and off the dance floor!  I would be thrilled to see these girls complete and take top prize, but it’s not ALL ABOUT WINNING! It is more important for our dancers to walk away better performers and with a smile on their faces! Now, that doesn’t mean that we won’t push ourselves and work hard; but what it does mean is that we will know that our biggest competition is ourselves!


How many numbers will my dancer be in? Each dancer will be in a minimum of 2 numbers for each competition. Some dancers may be asked to do more than 2. This will be on a case by case basis and is decided on by instructors and choreographers. We will always consult with parents prior to asking dancers to do any more than 2 dances, since this does involve a cost increase. If you know that you only want your dancer to participate in 2 numbers and no more, I completely respect that decision and will honor your decision!  


How important is attendance? Very! I know that life happens.. It happens for me too! However, the goal is to push ourselves harder than ever! It is also important for dancers to recognize that they are not only making a commitment to the studio but also to the other dancers on their team. Each dancer will be allowed 3 unexcused absences for the dance season. Any dancer who needs to miss more than the allotted amount, will need to reevaluate their commitment ability. I know that family emergencies and such happen and we can handle those situations as they happen. 


When will this group perform? The performance team as a whole will attend a minimum of 3 competitions, participate in a minimum of 1 community performance, and will perform in the end of year recital. The performance team will always receive first invitation to any community performances; however, the studio may also invite our recreational dancers to participate in local community performance opportunities. 


How much travel should I expect? Competition weekends are Friday to Sunday. This includes all day Friday. All travel locations will be within 4-5 hours DRIVING DISTANCE of Marianna, FL. 

Will my dancer need to miss school or will I miss days from work? Unfortunately, most competitions start on Friday morning/lunch time. We cannot request our performance times. You should expect to be out of town Thursday night - Sunday night. There may also be community performances that could lead to missing some school. We try our very best to prevent students from missing school and always keep school as top priority but we just want to be honest so that your expectations will be reasonable.


Who will be on the team? We are looking for dancers age 8 and up who show an exceptional work ethic in and outside of the dance studio. Dancers must be able to perform a set of pre-determined skills at an advanced level. We also consider all dancers and how they will fit with the skill levels of other team members. Not all dancers are ready to compete with the performance team but that doesn’t mean there aren’t other opportunities. We also want the dancers on our performance team to be the face of ATTD, with that said it is important that dancers understand that how they act in public and on social media matters. 



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