Behavior/Safety Rules
-Please be on time and dressed appropriately for each class. There will not be time or space to change when you arrive.
-Please label EVERY ITEM brought to class. Each shoe and all bags should be labeled with a full name or initial for our staff to be able to help change the little ones shoes in class. Every student should carry a bag to class to hold their belongings.
-Any dancer younger than middle school age needs to be walked to the front door and picked up at the front door. Middle school age and higher may walk to your car in the parking lot if you allow them to.
-Dancers must be dropped off and picked up in a timely manner. No early or late supervision is provided. The front door will be locked during classes to ensure our students’ safety. If you need to pick your child up early, please let me know ahead of time.
-NO chewing gum is allowed in class. We don’t want anyone choking while dancing.
-NO cell phones are allowed out in class. Parents please help us with this.
-NO running, hanging on the ballet barres, or climbing on our benches or shelves is allowed.
-NO pushing, climbing on each other, or holding other dancers is allowed. Please keep all hands to yourself.
-Absolutely NO attitude, sassy talk, negative language, bullying, or drama is tolerated! We are here to dance, love each other, and have fun.
-Absolutely NO attitude or disrespect towards instructors is tolerated.
***When a Behavior or Safety rule is broken in class, the dancer will be warned first. If the behavior continues after a warning, the dancer may be asked to sit out on the bench in the back of the class for a few minutes. If a behavior is disrupting the dancer’s classmates, she may be asked to sit in the lobby for a few minutes. If this doesn’t resolve the problem, we may call a parent to pick up their dancer early. We do our best to notify the parents any time there is a problem in class so they can help us prevent it from happening again.